Pada ayat Qouran surah 112 ayat 2 dituliskan:
Allahu El Shamad
iaitu (Allah adalah Ilah yang bergantung kepada-Nya segala urusan.)
sekarang kita check siapakah "Shamad" itu??!!
Sabanack, Sabnock, Saburac, Saci, Saitan, Sakpata, Saksaksalim, Salamander, Saleos, Sallos, Salmael, Samael, Sambara, Samebito, Samiaza, Samil, Sammael, Sante-Buisson, Sar Shel Yam, Sargatanas, Sarkany, Sata, Satan, Satanachia, Satanel, Satanil, Sathariel, Satrina, Satrinah, Saturn-Moloch, Sauru, Saurva, Savnok, Schindsche, Scorpion Men, Scox, Sebitti, Sed, Sedu, Seere, Seiktha, Seir, Sekhmet, Semyaza, Senmurw, Separ, Sergulath, Sesa, Sesha, Set, Setech, Setekh, Setesh, Seth, Seti, Shachihoko, Shafan, Shakpana, Shakuguku, Shalicu, Shamad, Shara, Sharru, Shax, She, Sheikh Ali, Sheitan, Shellycoat, Shesanaga, Shezbeth, Shiko-Me, Shiq, Shi-Ryo, Shiva, Shoggoth, Sholmos, Shony, Shopanna, Shub Ishnigarrab, Shub Niggurath, Shudkher, Shui-mu Niang-niang, Shutu, Sigyn, Siho I Salo, Sihon, Silcharde, Si-Ming, Simurgh, Singa, Sinhika, Sirens, Siva, Skanda, Skuld, Sojo-bo, Song Di, Sopono, Sotona, Sousson-Pannan, Spandaramat, Sphinx, Srin-Po, Sno, Stolas, Stribog, Striges, Succubus, Sujata, Sumbha, Sumuqan, Sung Chiang, Sung Ti, Supay, Surgat, Sursunabu, Surt, Susanoo, Susa-No-O, Susanowa, Sut, Sutech, Sutekh, Suwa', Suyolak, Svarog, Svarozic, Svarozits, Sylphs, Sytry, Szepasszony
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"...That Persian angelology and demonology, especially the latter, exercised a powerful influence on the popular beliefs of the Jews does not admit of doubt. It is usually held that Asmodaeus is the counterpart of the Persian Aeshma daeva, one of the six arch-fiends in the service of Angra Mainyu, the "Prince of Evil". He is, after Angra Mainyu, the most dangerous of all the demons, and has under him seven especially powerful demons.
(Scheftelowitz maintains, however, that Asmodaeus is not equivalent to Aeshma daeva, but that the name is derived from the root shamad, "to destroy," in later Hebrew "to force to apostasy" (op. cit., p. 61), cp. Bousset, op. cit., p. 488, who leaves the question open.)...."
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Spelling variations deriving from Asmodai/Asmodeus include Ashmadia, Ashmedai (Hebrew), Asmodaios-Ασμοδαίος (Greek), Asmoday, Asmodée (French), Asmodee, Asmodei, Ashmodei, Ashmodai, Asmodeios, Asmodeo (Spanish and Italian, from a Latin declination), Asmodeu (Portuguese), Asmodeius, Asmodi, Chammaday, Chashmodai, Sidonay, Sydonai.
Asmodai in Christianity
According to [specify], Asmoday is one of the Four Princes of Hell, specifically the reigning prince over the Eastern Regions. He rules over seventy-two Legions of Demons and is the Demon of Lust. He controls the element of fire and reigns over Fire Elementals (fire demons). Asmoday often 'pops up' in possession cases.
jadi Shamad = Asmodaeus = Asmodai = He rules over seventy-two Legions of Demons and is the Demon of Lust